Chris Anderson
( He/Him/His )Program: M.A. English: Composition, 2012
Employer and Current Position: Sierra Nevada College, Assistant Professor and Director of the ELL and International Study Abroad programs
Since graduating from San Francisco State, I’ve been working for Sierra Nevada College in Incline Village, NV. I teach in the SNC Comp. Program and also direct the ELL and Study Abroad Programs. My current position is a direct result of my studies at SF State. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to learn from the amazing SF State Comp. faculty, and I use the ideas and tools I learned there on a daily basis. I still remember the question Professor Lockhart posed on the first day of English 700, “What is Composition?” I don’t think I came up with a great answer that day, and I am still trying! The SF State Comp. program taught me to look at Composition not as the teaching of commas and periods, but as a vehicle for our students to situate themselves into the educational process and the world at large. Composition is a vibrant, exciting, necessary part of education for every student, and I’m excited to be a part of it!