Welcome to the Writing Program

Welcome to the Writing Program, where our mission is you!  In our courses, you will meet dedicated faculty who value student voice and who will take the time to get to know you and your writing.

Because we place such a high value on personalized education, all of our writing classes are small, and our approach is student-centered. In our courses, you’ll have opportunities to discuss and analyze topics that matter to you. You’ll get individual feedback on your writing from teachers and peers. You’ll have opportunities to form mentoring relationships with teachers and to build community with classmates.

Our curriculum stems from our core values, to empower students’ voices, and to use writing to make a difference in the communities we care about. We are prepared to deliver a high-quality educational experience in all modalities (face-to-face or online). We look forward to getting to know you and your writing.

Writing Program Advisors

Kohl Photo

Coordinator, Writing Program

Robert Kohls

Phone: (415) 338-7404

Email: rkohls@sfsu.edu

Office: HUM 484

Abeywickrama, Priya

Coordinator, Composition for Multilingual Students

Priyanvada Abeywickrama

Phone: (415) 338-7031

Email: abeywick@sfsu.edu

Office: HUM 269

Esther Chan

Advisor, Composition for Multilingual Students and Writing Programs

Esther Chan

Phone: (415) 338-3106

Email: echan@sfsu.edu

Office: HUM 483

Welcome to the Writing Program at San Francisco State University! Our courses are designed to help first-year students become confident and capable writers who can succeed in the university and beyond. In our courses, students are encouraged to

  • Make their voices heard;
  • Write about topics that matter;
  • Use digital tools to investigate, discover, persuade;
  • Make a difference in the world.

We offer writing courses in a variety of formats — online, hybrid, remote and in person. No matter what the format, we provide meaningful learning, a sense of community and ample academic support.

Student writing is showcased every year in our journal of undergraduate writing, Sutro Review. Faculty and student editors were able to publish the 4th volume during the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Throughout the Covid19 crisis, we continue to offer a flexible, quality education to support students in achieving their goals.

"Once the class went online my favorite part was the comments and discussions we had on the forums. I really appreciated the feedback people gave me and it opened my mind to other ideas I could use in my essay that I hadn’t previously thought about. I also enjoyed reading other classmate’s posts because most of the time it made me think more about their topic and it was great to see people write about subjects or opinions they have that they are truly interested in. This class wasn’t constricting in the writing assignments and it offered a lot of freedom to be creative with the assignment. Even though we are all far apart and sometimes not everyone shows up, I haven’t felt out of touch with anyone in the class and there is still a feeling of togetherness that is felt when we would collaborate over Zoom. Everyone truly cared about what they would talk about in class and after researching for my annotated bibliography, I think that’s all that's really needed in a time like this."
— Writing Program student during COVID-19

Our courses are small so that students have opportunities to interact with faculty and peers, work on their own writing, and discover their purpose and pathway in the university. Faculty provide extensive mentoring and feedback in order to support students in achieving their goals.

English 104/05,106, or 114 (writers whose primary language is English) and English 201/202 and 209 (multilingual writers) are GE Area A courses designed with students' success in mind. We know that the first year of college can bring many new opportunities, discoveries, and challenges. First-Year Writing courses embrace the challenges and help students maximize the opportunities SF State provides.

English 216 (GE Area E) courses focus on preparing students for their majors, and for writing beyond college. In English 216, students use their writing skills to make a difference in their communities. Students create multimedia projects on topics that matter to them, gaining an understanding of the reading and writing strategies they will need for success in the university and beyond. They develop their rhetorical skills and identify academic/professional goals, learn about digital and information literacy, and discover how to create persuasive arguments using traditional and digital tools.

Students have the choice of taking two or three semesters to complete First-Year Writing, depending on their needs. Students may choose from courses for multilingual students; courses that involve community service learning; courses themed around disciplinary questions; courses conducted partially or wholly online; and courses aligned with the Metro College Success Program.

No matter which version you choose, all of our courses focus on you, your writing and your success!

Students should complete the First-Year Writing Advising app in order to decide which courses best suit their needs.

"I learned it’s not just about writing. It’s about finding yourself, your voice, and your place in the world."

"I was not very passionate when I first began this course, but this course gave me valuable knowledge and feedback which helped me grow as a writer." 

"I have become much more comfortable in engaging in the classroom which has allowed me to value my thoughts and the thoughts and ideas of others as well." 

"The writing assignments stimulated different areas of study that got me a lot more interested in general education." 

"I loved the ideas for the essay… papers like the Effectiveness of General Education, The Media's effect on the 2016 election, Hip Hop's Effect on Social Justice and Oppression, and A Philosophical Critique of Capitalism. [This class] helped me to decide on my major." 

"Even though we were all far apart, I haven’t felt out of touch with anyone in the class and there is still a feeling of togetherness when we would collaborate over Zoom."

"This course helped me develop concise strategies for rhetorical arguments. I was able to cross apply much of what I learned in other classes so for that I am incredibly thankful." 

"In my psychology class we are required to write three papers a semester and this class made writing those papers a lot easier. I received an A on all of the papers which is a huge improvement for me."

"This class is the first I have taken that has worked to strengthen not one but all of my college academic skills. However I have mostly seen my researching, independent learning, and connection to real world issues really advance within the past couple of months."

"I feel that my academic skills that I need for college and life have improved through the semester. I've become more confident." 

"This class will help me with] scoring high on the written proportion of the TEAS Exam, which I will need to enter nursing school." 

"My semester-long project not only helped me improve my researching skills, but allowed me to find a greater connection to a global issue that concerns my intended major."

"This class opened my eyes and taught me much more than just what is in a textbook or part of the curriculum."

Andrea picture
In my course, I try to balance personal and academic growth. Students interact with a variety of content meant to support and inspire them on their first-year college student journey. We explore the science behind how people create habits and the traits behind successful people. We research helpful resources available on campus and related to students’ major, connect with programs and movements that align with their own values, and use design theory to map out multiple visions for their dream futures.
Rusk picture
In my courses, I emphasize student choice — students choose what they want to read and write about for the semester. Together, we learn information literacy, and develop skills for thorough, high-level academic inquiry. I encourage students to focus on digital exploration and multimodality. My job is to provide clear assignments that break down the steps for you as you learn to write like a pro!

ENG 104 + 05 Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Stretch I & II 3 units (each semester)

Prerequisite: First-Year Writing Advising module.

This course offers support and time for students who want to develop their writing and their voice. Eng 104-05 is a year-long course that introduces students to the academic and social life of SF State. Our small classes and dedicated teachers offer students the opportunity to practice college-level reading and writing while learning about campus life. Students keep the same instructor and classmates over the year. Courses emphasize intellectual inquiry and discovery, information literacy, feedback and mentorship, student voice and choice, and strategies for success in the university.

(ABC/NC grading, CR/NC allowed)

Note: Completion of ENG 104 and ENG 105 with a grade of C- or better will culminate in satisfying the Written English Composition requirement (GE Area A2).

ENG 106 Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice Stretch I and II (Units: 4)

Our ‘jumbo’ (60+ students) academic reading and writing class. Embedded support version of the First-Year Writing Seminar. Practice academic success strategies and habits of mind, learn about campus resources, and learn and practice written academic inquiry, information literacy, the writing process, and critical reading in a variety of rhetorical genres.

(ABC/NC grading, CR/NC allowed)

ENG 114 Writing the First Year: Finding Your Voice — 3 units

Prerequisite: First-Year Writing Advising module.

Our accelerated First-Year Writing course introduces students to the academic and social life of SF State. Over one semester, students practice college-level reading and writing and learn about campus life. Courses are small — offering opportunities for collaboration and mentoring. They emphasize intellectual inquiry and discovery, information literacy, student voice and choice, and strategies for success in the university. (Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC allowed)

ENG 216 Writing the First Year: Making a Difference — 3 units

Prerequisite: GE Area A2*.

English 216 is the culminating experience of our First-Year Writing sequence. This course offers a unique opportunity to explore, analyze, and write about topics drawn from students' personal and professional interests. Students choose the topic, the readings, and the design of their final projects. Teachers serve as coaches and mentors as students practice digital and rhetorical strategies to persuade a variety of audiences and to make a difference in students' communities.(Plus-minus ABC/NC, CR/NC allowed).

View more about English 216.

English 201/202: Writing the First Year: Global Perspectives of Multilingual Speakers (Stretch I and II) — 4 units (each semester)

In this special program for freshmen who have just graduated from high school, students participate in a year-long learning community to work intensively on developing and practicing the academic literacy and critical thinking skills needed for success in university coursework. English 201 emphasizes essential skills including academic reading, writing, vocabulary building, and editing techniques. English 202 builds on these skills while focusing on formal academic essay writing.

English 209: Writing the First Year: Global Perspectives of Multilingual Speakers — 3 units

This course in written communication prepares students for the extended composition and reading tasks at the university. The focus is on the composing process and on writing academic prose. Students read articles, essays or books to improve their critical reading skills as well as to get ideas for their compositions. Students also learn heuristics to help them find topics and develop their ideas in writing. The course includes the composing and revising of short essays with an emphasis on clarity and adequate supporting information. Grammar review is provided on problematic structures. Repeatable for credit.

English 210: Oral Communication — 3 units

This course meets the GE A1 requirement for oral communication and focuses on listening, speaking, and presentation skills. The activities for the course include interviews, small group discussion, whole class discussion, informational and persuasive oral presentations by individuals and by panels, and evaluation of oral presentations. Repeatable for credit.

English 212: Advanced Grammar for Composition — 3 units

Based on the Advising Module recommendation this course should be taken before English 209 and is for students who need to improve the grammatical accuracy of their writing. Students write short papers in class and at home in response to selected readings. Then grammar review is provided on problematic and advanced grammatical structures. Students work individually and in small groups on accuracy and proofreading skills. Repeatable for credit.

English 217: Writing the First Year: Language, Culture, and Perspectives of Multilingual Speakers— 3 units

This course focuses on the writing and revision of compositions, in the style and form that is required in university coursework. Instruction is focused on essays that synthesize information from outside texts with the students’ own analysis. Students practice critical thinking through critical reading, argumentation, and making connections between their ideas and those of outside authors. Students finish the semester with a research paper. The structure is reviewed as necessary. Repeatable for credit.

English 4.29 - p1 (6/25)
English 4.29 - p2 (6/25)

For continuing students who entered San Francisco State prior to Fall 2019

ENG 214/ENG 215, or an approved SF State alternative, should be taken prior to completion of 60 semester units by all continuing students who have not received credit for an equivalent test or course (Pre-Fall 2019). For information about approved Second Year Composition equivalents, please visit assist.org.

  • Successful completion of First-Year Composition (ENG 114, ENG 104/105 or an approved Composition for Multilingual Students course) is a prerequisite to ENG 214, 215, or one of the approved SF State alternatives.
  • Any one of our First-Year Composition courses and Second Year Composition courses may not be taken concurrently. ABC/NC grading is used in all courses.
  • Consult the online Class Schedule for the complete list of approved Second Year Composition alternative courses. In the Course Abbreviation section choose “English Comp Requirement, 2nd Year.”
  • Students who have passed for credit the CSU English Equivalency Examination or who have received scores of 3, 4 or 5 on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination in English will receive six units of college credit and are exempt from the ENG 114 and ENG 214 course requirements.

Do I need to take a First-Year Writing Course?

Every student needs to fulfill the A2 requirement for General Education, and a First-Year Writing course will fulfill this requirement. Some students are exempt through AP or IB credit. If you are unsure if you need to take an A2 course, please speak to an academic advisor.

Do I have to fulfill the General Education Area A2 Requirement?


What if I started at SF State before Fall 2019?

If you started at SF State before Fall 2019, then you need to take A2 and A4 (rather than A2 and E) If you enrolled at SF State before 2019 and want to take courses designed for multilingual speakers, then you need ENG 209 for A2 (for multilingual speakers) and 215 to satisfy the Area A4 general education requirement.

What if I have transfer credit for Area A2?

If you have transfer credit for Area A2 of general education, either through certain AP credit, IB credit, or college credit from another institution, you do not have to take an area A2 class. If you think you might have the requirement fulfilled, be sure to double-check with an academic advisor to make sure.